About Project Fake A Baby...

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Of The Sisters Three, Nahyun Rsu loved to prank and torment Patricia Russo, sometimes a great length. Patricia would return the favor in kind by beating Nahyun senseless. Both action and reaction were done out of love, if you could call it that. The day came however where Nahyun and her husband Jeaki wished to have children, but were unable to conceive due to medical difficulties on Nahyun’s part. There was, however, an alternative. They could have a surrogate deliver the child, but they barely knew anyone outside of the Russos within the U.S., being former citizens of North Korea. Dan decided to assist them, and made a company-wide announcement at RussoTech that volunteers to that effect would be well rewarded. A young woman Dan hadn’t noticed before stepped up, asking that her former student debt be paid in full and her internship to be considered fulfilled. Her name was Cheryl Racing-Moon. Dan let the Rsus know the good news, from which Nahyun formed a plan… a devious plan… a nefarious… well, you know. With the help of Phlice’s resources in the film industry, Nahyun would pretend to be pregnant. Phlice had prepped plenty of fake bellies, each as if to progress her growing pregnancy. Because Dan made a rule to stay out of their absurd and demented jokes, he never contradicted Nahyun’s fiction. Taking advantage of this time, Nahyun’s pranks and jokes at Patricia’s expense grew bolder, with Patricia believing that she could never lay a hand on her for fear of her condition being medically sensitive. This went on for nine months until Cheryl gave birth to Lee Rsu. Patricia warned Nahyun that she “Has an ass kicking coming!”, and the moment she’d recovered that lumps would be had. Still ever the antagonist, Nahyun took a photo with Jeaki and Cheryl specifically to mess with Patricia even further. However, while Cheryl was at work, having freshly started as Dan’s personal assistant, something unexpected happened… The Great Slinky Incident. This put everyone in an awkward position. Patricia never knew that Cheryl had helped the Rsus in such a way, and to tell her after her freak out would have been disastrous. Thus it was decided that no one would ever tell her, and what would have been another one of Nahyun’s pranks would go unrevealed. In this time, the whole of the crew may have forgotten to tell Denise, who still refers to the pregnancy as a statistical anomaly. As time passed, the Rsus had grown to love Cheryl as family, and Dan always looked out for her well-being for what she’d done for them. Then the accident occurred, leaving Lee an orphan. Cheryl wanted to make sure she was taken care of, even if it meant she adopt Lee herself. Dan didn’t want Cheryl to take the burden alone, so he decided that it would be best if they adopted Lee instead. And so they go on, the truth buried, living and loving life as they do. The question does pose itself however… what would Patricia do if she found out?

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